Friday, February 1, 2019

KIndred Surprise!

Hi and welcome to an impromptu post.  

Kindred Stamps have released a new digi set, Scranton Co-Workers Digital Stamps to go along with the Scranton PA set.  
10 images all up and a second digi set with sentiments available too.  Here is my project.

As you can see I used all 10 of the images.  Down below is a look at the colouring.  

And here are the colours used on each character. 


Again colours used. 

Colours used. 

The last colour chart.  

 Check out the other DT members projects and don't forget to leave them a little love.
Happy Crafting!


  1. This is so awesome! I can't believe you colored all of them AND that you are kind enough to share the colors!! You are amazing!! xo

  2. Right back at you friend! Took me a little longer than I thought but got it done! enjoyed the challenge. :-)


#767 Mario style

 Welcome back.   I had another crack at this weeks Sketch Saturday challenge.   This time I used a stamp set from Kindred Stamps Game On My ...