Friday, February 14, 2020

It's All About The P's

Hi and welcome back to our blog hop.  This week we had a choice of St Patrick's Day or  Pi day.  Well I will leave you to guess which one from the picture...hehe.

I have been wanting to make something with this fellow since I bought him (many eons ago).  I just love that out of control hair.  What you cannot see in the picture is the number 5 behind him.  I googled the numbers (like most people I only remember the 3.14).  But not to worry.  I think you get the gist of the card.

 Here is the list of places to go with our hop.  I hope you find some inspiration from theses awesome people!  I know I did!

Me ( you are here!)

Justin Averill

Tanya Boser


Adam Karle

Justin Averill

Tanya Boser

Don't forget to join us next week for our next great theme........hehe, no I am not telling you :-)

1 comment:

Owl-some Owls

  Today is  Ink N Splatter time. I had the privilege of playing with the new release Owl-some Owls stamp set.  I also used the paper pack ...